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December Bereavement Newsletter

Posted on December 20, 2016

December 2016         


As you enter the last month of the year, you have already survived one major holiday of the season.  I hope that as you focused on the true meaning of Thanksgiving, you were able to give thanks for something good in your life. But don’t stop now; for the Christmas holiday is upon us! Just as I encouraged you to look at the true meaning of Thanksgiving, I urge you to do something similar at Christmas.  The author of this poem states her feelings beautifully!

First Christmas

It can’t possibly be Christmas without her being here.
Yet the world is singing round me, joyful tidings and good cheer.

Though I try to put on armor and brave the sights and sounds,
a few moments worth of shopping, and the tears are spilling down.

I pray for strength to do it, find a path through holidays,
look for shortcuts, good ideas, and some directions through the maze.

Then I find at last the answer: I’ll include her symbolically.
And the giving becomes perfect; her love’s flowing down, through me.

Genesse Bourdeau Gentry


Sometimes it only takes a new perspective to help us get through the toughest times.  I pray you will allow your loved one to shine through you in some way this holiday season. I hope you will consider joining us for the Holiday Memorial Service on December 8. The Hospice staff will be in attendance to meet with you.


Upcoming events:

December 8 Memorial Service @ Southgate Hotel (Formerly the Holiday Inn) in Cambridge at 6:00 pm

                     December 12 Lunch Bunch….. at noon at Mr. Lee’s in Cambridge

                     December 13 Lunch Bunch ….. at noon at Annie K’s in Barnesville

                     December 15 Suicide Survivor’s Group….. at 6:00 pm @ Mr. Lee’s  Please RSVP

                     Friends of Faith…….Will not meet this month.

                     December 22 Breakfast Support Group…. @ Patty’s Place in Belle Valley @ 9:00 am

                     Support Group…..The group meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month in Cambridge will not meet this month.


July 2016 Bereavement Newsletter

Posted on June 29, 2016

The month begins with a BANG—a strong reminder of freedom.  For many, the July 4th celebration means a picnic and fireworks.  Sometimes the real meaning of the holiday is lost.  Freedom can mean different things to different people.  For some it does have the meaning of being able to live as we do in this country.  For others, it may take on a new connotation.  At this time in your life you may view your loved one as having been set free at last from their suffering.  The hardships and illness that led to this time in your life are past, and now you must find a way to go on.  Freeing yourself from living in the past is sometimes very difficult.  Establishing a new norm for your life is essential and often requires energy you may not feel you possess.  Others may be needed to help you along the way to healing.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  We are also here to help in any way that we can.  We offer various programs that I hope you will consider.


July’s upcoming events include:


July 11          “Lunch Bunch” 12:00 at Mr. Lee’s in Cambridge

July 12         “Lunch Group” 12:00 at Annie K’s in Barnesville

July 21         Suicide Support Group  @ 6:00 pm @ Mr. Lees. MUST RSVP

July 24         Suicide Survivor’s ‘Butterfly Release’ @6:00 City Park Duck Pond Pavilion

July 25         Friends of Faith  12:00 at Annie K’s in Barnesville

July 26         Support Group 5:30 @ the hospice office. MUST RSVP

July 28        Grief Support Breakfast @ 9:00 am @Patty’s Place in Belle Valley

August 6     Flamingo MEMORIAL Run: Sometimes doing something tangible is a special way to honor your loved one…You can do that with us in a one mile walk or a 5K. All monies will benefit patient care and bereavement services.


Remember that I am also available for one on one time. I hope this season in life has you choosing to focus on the positives.



Terri Wootton MSW, LISW, ACHP-SW

Bereavement Coordinator                     

Flamingo 5K – Saturday, August 6 at 8am

Posted on June 29, 2016

running flamingoSign up for the Flamingo Run! 5K run, 5K walk and one mile memorial walk on Saturday, August 6th @ 8am. Register by July 15 to guarantee a T-shirt.


Staff and volunteers at Hospice of Guernsey, Inc. are planning to add some more fun to the Flamingo Run. In addition to the medals given to top finishers in each category, there will be some silly medals awarded as well. The “Best Dressed” medal(s) will be given to the wackiest, pinkest and most flamingo-like participant(s). There will be a few other silly awards, but organizers are keeping mum about what they are.

Participants should also plan for some family fun to take place while organizers are tabulating race results. There will be several games and activities to take part in.

The cost is $20 for adults, $15 for children 12 and under. Event day registration is $25. Registration forms are available at the Hospice of Guernsey office, United Way office and on Facebook.

Registration the day of the Flamingo Run will begin at 7am at Pavilion #1, corner of Edgeworth Ave. and North 8th St. New this year, race packets may be picked up early on Wednesday and Thursday, August 3rd and 4th from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Hospice of Guernsey office.

Hospice of Guernsey would like to thank Blue for Prosecutor for sponsoring the Flamingo Run finish line.

For information, call Jenna Conaway at 740-432-7440 or email


June 2016 Bereavement Newsletter

Posted on June 9, 2016

June 2016


I just now looked ahead at the weather forecast for the week. It promises to be warm and sunny on the outside, but I know that all of you are not feeling its warmth on the inside. Because it may be stormy in your present circumstances, you may have to dig deep to find some hope of sunshine. But without hope, our spirit withers and dies! I am here to remind you that there is also hope in the stormy season of grief. The following sums it up for us:


The Hidden Power of the Heart


When the heart is enlivened again, it feels like the sun coming out after a week of rainy days.  There is hope in the heart that chases the clouds away.  Hope is a brighter heart frequency and as you begin to reconnect with your heart, hope is waiting to show you new possibilities and arrest the downward spiral of grief and loneliness.  It becomes a matter of

how soon you want the sun to shine.  Listening to the still, small voice in your heart will make hope into a reality.

      – Sara Paddison


I particularly like the line that says : “It becomes a matter of how soon you want the sun to shine.”  We do have control over much of it.  I pray that you will listen to the small voice in your heart as you move towards healing.  And remember, we are here to help.


June events:

June 13: “Lunch Bunch” at Mr. Lee’s at noon.  Come share lunch with others who have suffered a loss, and make a new friend.

June 14: Lunch Support Group  @ NOON @ Annie K’s in Barnesville

June 16: Suicide Survivor’s Support Group at 6:00 p.m. at Mr. Lee’s. Must RSVP.

June 23: Breakfast Support Group @ 9 am at Patty’s Place in Caldwell.

June 27: Friends of Faith support group meets @ NOON @ Annie K’s 

June 28: CANCELLED  Support Group at 5:30 pm at the hospice office.

June 27-June 29: Kids Kamp at Deerassic Park from 10-2 each day.
Kids ages 6-12 eligible.  Call Lois or Terri for details at 432-7440.                   


I pray God’s blessings on you as you continue to “reconnect with your heart”.


Terri Wootton LISW, ACHP-SW

Bereavement Coordinator


March 2016 Bereavement Newsletter

Posted on March 30, 2016

April showers bring May flowers…March excites me for it brings with it the promise of spring. Then comes the rainy season! April, for me, is the tunnel through which I must pass to reach the other side of winter. It may be dreary and cold, and at times a little tiresome; but it is necessary to get me to the warmth and joy that summer offers. So, here I go. Follow me if you will.

As you move into the summer of your grief journey, you will have left behind cold and rainy days. You will experience hard times before experiencing the joy and sunshine of tomorrow, and those times will change the person you are. They will mold you into the person you are to become. I pray that as you begin that journey and continue to walk along the pathway, you will have a hope of better tomorrows and sunshiny days. Allow someone else to walk beside you and be your friend.  Let them hold your hand or cry with you.  Allow someone else to be your strength if needed. Allow yourself to change. Also, remember we are here if you need us in the months to come. There are always events offered to lend support. Feel free to take advantage of them. We want to help you on your journey towards healing.


Upcoming events: There are many things happening in the area of bereavement. Check them out!


April 11: “Lunch Bunch” 12:00 noon at Mr. Lee’s. (own expense) This is a group that lends itself to fellowship, support and food. Join us.


April 12: Lunch Group in Barnesville @ 11:00 am @ Annie K’s. (Come and join us. The SNOW is gone! Missed you the last few months!)


April 21:  Suicide Survivor’s Support Group @ 6:00 pm @ Mr. Lees in Cambridge.


April 25: Friends of Faith @ noon @ Annie K’s


April 26: Grief Support Group @ 5:30 pm at the Hospice Office


April 28 : Breakfast Support group  @9:00 am at Patty’s Place in Belle Valley


As always, if you have any questions or if you need to talk, I am available. With warm thoughts…


Terri Wootton  MSW, LISW, ACHP-SW                                                                 

Bereavement Coordinator

March 2016 Bereavement Newsletter

Posted on February 16, 2016

So far the promise of cold weather has been a reality…SNOW, SNOW, and more SNOW! I so long for the first hints of spring! Hopefully March will bring with it the sunshine I so love. The days are becoming longer and I would love to begin to think of outside chores and activities. I am already decorating the outdoor patio in my mind. One of my favorite spots is the old porch swing.  I love to sit on it and watch the world go by.  It gives me great peace, and occasionally I’ll grab a nap after a busy day at work.  It is my get-a-way for a few needed moments. 

As March brings springtime, I hope it also brings for you sunshine and hope in the new season. It is only natural to have dreary days mixed in with the sunshine, so don’t be discouraged when they creep in.  Just try to stay focused.  Plan an activity that will bring you joy, and act upon it.  Have lunch with a friend, feed the ducks, or take a walk.  But what­ever you do, look for that moment or activity that gives you a few minutes of peace, and bask in its warmth.  It may be what gets you through to the next season.

But no matter where you find yourself as you read this, remember that we at Hospice are here to lend you support along the way.  Our upcoming events for the month of March are as follows:


             March 8– Lunch Bunch at Annie K’s (Barnesville) at noon.  Anyone who may enjoy eating and talking with others, please join us.


             March 14- “Lunch Bunch” at Mr. Lee’s at noon.  We meet for a time of fellowship and sharing. Lunch is on your own. Everyone welcome.


             March 17– Suicide Survivor’s Support Group at 6:00 pm at Mr. Lee’s.


             March 22-Support Group @ 5:30 p.m. at the Hospice Office.


             March 24– Breakfast support group meets @ 9:00 am @ Patty’s Place in Belle Valley.


             March 28– “Friends of Faith” meets at noon at Annie K’s in Barnesville.


             If you have questions about any of the events, or you just need someone to talk to, call me at 432-7440.  May spring shine upon you!


Terri Wootton MSW, LISW, AHPC-SW

Bereavement Coordinator

February 2016 Bereavement Letter

Posted on January 28, 2016

By now you have had time to settle in to the new year just a little bit.  Christmas decorations are down and tucked away for another year.  To many, that may seem like a relief.  Many emotions are flying at the thought of what the new year might hold.  To some, it may mean a new beginning…this year has to be better than the last.  Others might wonder how they can possibly go on…face the new year without their loved one.  By now you have come to the realization that the world does not stop for you, no matter if you feel that it should.  I am here to encourage you that things will get easier.  You will in some way adjust.  But I want to encourage you not to go at it alone.  Find someone that will be a support and encouragement to you in the days and weeks ahead. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.” If you feel you need someone to talk to, I am available for one on one time.  There are also many events that take place throughout the month that you might find helpful.  Give some of them a try.


February events:


February 8“Lunch Bunch” at Mr. Lee’s at noon.  We meet for a time of

fellowship and sharing.  Lunch is on your own.

February 9 Lunch Bunch at Annie K’s @ noon.  Anyone who may enjoy

eating and talking with others, please join us.

February 18Suicide Survivor’s Support Group at 6:00 pm at Mr. Lees.

February 22– Friends of Faith meets at noon @ Annie K’s.

February 23-Support Group at 5:30 pm at the hospice office. Please RSVP.

February 25- Breakfast Support Group @ 9:00 am @ Patty’s Place in Belle Valley


If you have any questions about any of the events, or you find yourself just needing a listening ear, call me at 432-7440. Blessings!


Terri Wootton LISW, ACHP-SW

Bereavement Coordinator


January 2016 Bereavement Letter

Posted on January 4, 2016

A new year is upon us!  Where does the time go?  When I was young I hated it when someone said how fast the time went, for as I child, I didn’t believe it and I couldn’t wait for the years to pass!  Now it is sometimes just a reminder of what was.  It is sometimes hard not to wish those days and years back.  But, as we are so aware, we cannot!  We do, however, need to remind ourselves to make the most of today and pray for a happier tomorrow. 

For many of you, this New Year may only be a reminder of who will not be with you as you face tomorrow. A friend once shared four little words with me that might help to make a difference in your days.  They are “I have a choice”.  We can choose to worry and be upset at life’s circumstances, or we can choose to move ahead one day at a time, making our life count for something.  I hope we can do that together in the coming year.


Upcoming events:

January 11 Lunch Bunch at Mr. Lee’s at noon.  We meet for a time of

fellowship and sharing.  Lunch is on your own.

January 12Lunch Bunch at Annie K’s at noon.

January 13 NEW 9 WEEK SUPPORT GROUP. This group will meet at 5:30 at the Hospice office and will meet every other week. Please contact me if interested. Once the group starts, it will be closed to others.

January 21Suicide Survivor’s Support Group at 6:00 at Mr. Lee’s

January 25-Friends of Faith meets at Annie K’s at noon.

January 26- Support Group @ 5:30 pm at the Hospice Office…(also a painting party with Lois for those who would like to participate. CALL FOR DETAILS.)

January 28- Support breakfast at Patty’s Place in Belle Valley at 9:00 am.


 If you have any questions about an event, call me at 432-7440.  I am also available for one on one time.  Remember that together and with support, we can make it through each new day.

 God Bless you in this New Year!

 Terri Wootton LISW, ACHP-SW

Bereavement Coordinator

December 2015 Bereavement Letter

Posted on November 19, 2015

As you enter the last month of the year, you have already survived one major holiday of the season.  I hope that as you focused on the true meaning of Thanksgiving, you were able to give thanks for something good in your life. But don’t stop now; for the Christmas holiday is upon us! Just as I encouraged you to look at the true meaning of Thanksgiving, I urge you to do something similar at Christmas.  The author of this poem states her feelings beautifully!


First Christmas

It can’t possibly be Christmas without her being here.
Yet the world is singing round me, joyful tidings and good cheer.

Though I try to put on armor and brave the sights and sounds,
a few moments worth of shopping, and the tears are spilling down.

I pray for strength to do it, find a path through holidays,
look for shortcuts, good ideas, and some directions through the maze.

Then I find at last the answer: I’ll include her symbolically.
And the giving becomes perfect; her love’s flowing down, through me

                                                                   – Genesse Bourdeau Gentry


Sometimes it only takes a new perspective to help us get through the toughest times.  I pray you will allow your loved one to shine through you in some way this holiday season. I hope you will consider joining us for the Holiday Memorial Service on December 10th. The Hospice staff will be in attendance to meet with you.

Upcoming events:

Lunch Bunch …..December 8 at noon at Annie K’s in Barnesville

Memorial Service….. @ Southgate Hotel (Formerly the Holiday Inn) in Cambridge December 10 at 6:00 pm

Lunch Bunch…..December 14 at noon at Mr. Lee’s in Cambridge

Friends of Faith….December 14…A social group meeting for lunch@ Annie K’s@ noon.  For questions, contact Lydia Young at 614-313-5525

Breakfast Support Group….December 17 @ Patty’s Place in Belle Valley @ 9:00 am

Suicide Survivor’s Group…..December 17 at 6:00 pm @ Mr. Lee’s

Support Group…..The group meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month in Cambridge will  not meet this month.


I am also available by phone or appointment.  For more information on above events, call 740-432-7440. Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a Happier New Year!



Terri Wootton  MSW, LISW, ACHP-SW

Bereavement Coordinator


November 2015 Bereavement Letter

Posted on October 29, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving…A time to be thankful.  I never realized how many holidays had the words “happy” or “merry” attached to the day or the season prior to taking my current job as bereavement counselor.  I soon became aware that these words frequently have a hollow ring for many during the holidays.  But as we begin this stretch of the holidays, I encourage you to focus on the true meaning of Thanksgiving, for there are many things for which we can be thankful. Memories are precious.  Share some of those with a friend this holiday season. It may mean that you have to make the choice to be thankful.  But I believe as you do, you will feel it in your spirit.

            If you are struggling this season, we at hospice will be glad to help in any way we can. We are offering a holiday memorial service on Thursday, December 10@ 6:00pm at Southgate Hotel. We are also hosting a special service for survivors of suicide on November 22, recognizing International Survivor’s Day on the 21st. We will meet at the Hospice Office @6:00 p.m. for a candle lighting ceremony, with refreshments to follow. I invite you to come and share these with us.

Many other activities are lined up for the upcoming month. Hope to see you soon.

November 9-“Lunch Bunch” 12:00 @ Mr. Lee’s.  An informal time

to eat and share with others who have experienced a loss. Call for information.

November 10-Lunch group @ noon @ Annie K’s in Barnesville

November 16-“Friends of Faith” group@ NOON @ Annie K’s in Barnesville

November 19- Breakfast at Patty’s Place @9:00 a.m. (Note the date change)

November 22-Suicide Survivor’s Candle lighting Memorial Service @ 6:00 p.m.

November 24– Support Group at 5:30 pm at the Hospice office


Feel free to contact me with any questions at 432-7440.

Terri Wootton MSW, LISW, ACHP-SW
Bereavement Coordinator