Bereavement Newsletter June 2019
Posted on May 28, 2019
June 2019
I just now looked ahead at the weather forecast for the week. It promises to be warm and sunny on the outside, but I know that all of you are not feeling its warmth on the inside. Because it may be stormy in your present circumstances, you may have to dig deep to find some hope of sunshine. But without hope, our spirit withers and dies! I am here to remind you that there is also hope in the stormy season of grief. The following sums it up for us:
The Hidden Power of the Heart
When the heart is enlivened again, it feels like the sun coming out after a week of rainy days. There is hope in the heart that chases the clouds away. Hope is a brighter heart frequency and as you begin to reconnect with your heart, hope is waiting to show you new possibilities and arrest the downward spiral of grief and loneliness. It becomes a matter of how soon you want the sun to shine. Listening to the still, small voice in your heart will make hope into a reality. – Sara Paddison
I particularly like the line that says : “It becomes a matter of how soon you want the sun to shine.” We do have control over much of it. I pray that you will listen to the small voice in your heart as you move towards healing. And remember, we are here to help.
June events:
June 10: “Lunch Bunch” at Mr. Lee’s at noon. Come share lunch with others who have suffered a loss, and make a new friend.
June 11: Lunch Support Group @ NOON @ Annie K’s in Barnesville
June 17: Friends of Faith support group meets @ NOON @ Annie K’s
June 27: Breakfast Support Group @ 9 am at Patty’s Place in Caldwell.
July 1-3 Kids Kamp at Deerassic Park from 10-2 each day.
Kids ages 6-12 eligible. Call Lois or Terri for details at 432-7440.
I pray God’s blessings on you as you continue to “reconnect with your heart”.
Terri Wootton LISW, ACHP-SW
Bereavement Coordinator